Career lecture: Holes in the Net(works) - Youth and Social Media in Iran

Career lecture: Holes in the Net(works) – Youth and Social Media in Iran

April 10, 2018

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Do you sometimes wonder what you can do as a social scientist after your bachelor/master? Or what the practice of a social scientist looks like? Then come to our career lecture!

Dr. Raz Zimmt works at the University of Tel Aviv. He will give a lecture about his career and his research into holes in networks and youth and social media in Iran. Read more about the content below.

AND NOTE: We will provide (free) dinner from the Iranian kitchen !!

The exact location will be announced shortly.

Holes in the Net(works) – Youth and Social Media in Iran
Lecture by and conversation with dr. Raz Zimmt, Iran-researcher from Tel Aviv University.

Dr. Raz Zimmt will talk about his career and his current work and research. He will discuss the Iranian youth as revealed through their use of social media, their views and wishes and their position in the current Iranian society as revealed using social media as a source for research. Also, you can learn about career options for scholars in this area.

dr. Raz Zimmt is a research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), at the Alliance Centre for Iranian Studies at Tel-Aviv University and at the Forum for Regional Thinking.

He is also a social-networks researcher at the Moshe Dayan Centre for Middle Eastern and African Studies and the editor of “Spotlight on Iran”, a bimonthly bulleting published by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Centre and intended to shed light on Iran’s activities in the Middle East and beyond.

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