Board Info Moment

maart 3, 2020

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

It is already time to look for new faces to join the new SEC board for the academic year 2020/2021.
In the upcoming weeks you will discover more about all the functions and tasks of the board. Do you want to be a part of the SEC board, boost your CV, meet a lot of new people, gain unique experiences, develop yourself and push your boundaries?
We will host an information moment ‪on March 3rd at 15:00 in the association room. If you are curious about joining the board, you can join an open board meeting, followed by a Q&A. This is a moment for all your questions and curiosities. We will also have snacks 🙂
Board functions: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Coordinator academic activities, Social Coordinator

You will be able to apply for a board position from Friday, February 28th!

Facebook event